Tagged: lies


Pseudo-Feminist Fckboys aka Man’emist

There will be some cussing… Rated R Pseudo-Feminist Fckboys aka Man’emist Firstly, before I even begin to touch this subject matter, let me return the shout-out to the little chocolate-bundled, multi-talented, and intelligent sistah...

Relationship Grace period 0

What is a decent relationship grace period?

What is a decent relationship grace period? Before I get started. I am definitely not talking about this Relationship Grace Period. This is about that crucial period of time when one relationship ends and...

Run yah mout 0

Run yah mout

Yea just run yah muthaphuckin mout scunt!! Here are the gawd damn rules, internationally known, locally respected…… shit even universally accepted. Bottom line people should never let other people get under their fuckhole skin!!...

Squares out your circle 0

Squares up out your circle

SMH ooooh really people? Really really interesting…. Turns out they’re some people who if they don’t get things popping their way, they will actually resort to absolute amateur, childlike tactics. That old saying the...